CASUA contributed mightily to the officiating pool for provincial championships, the majority of which were held withing the zone. We thank all those who worked, especially rookie provincial officials.
If we are missing anyone, please let us know.
U13C/ U15C – Blackfalds
Bella Hebert | Pat O’Callaghan |
Clark Webster | Randy Jamieson |
Deb Schultz | Roland Desjardins |
Dorothy Leiman | Ryder Desjardins |
Jeremy Organ | Scot Reichert |
Josh Christensen | Shane Sroka |
Kerri Towers | Sue Butterfield |
Madeline Plewis | |
UIC Brad Lyon | DUIC Erin Fuller |
U17A – Calgary
Austin Trieber | Jesse Baron |
Cam Kreil | Miles Trieber |
U19A – St. Albert
Cam Kreil | Jesse Baron |
Erin Fuller | Jeremy Organ |
U19C – Castor
Austin Trieber | James Wheat |
Brian Christensen | Malcolm Murray |
Cam Kreil | Miles Trieber |
Chris Harper | Sheri Morbeck |
Jake Tolsma | Vicki Parks |
UIC Doug Smith
Intermediate/ Senior Women – Blackfalds
Brad Lyon | Jeffry Mydland |
Brian Christensen | Jesse Baron |
Chris Harper | Jordanne Schroh |
Clark Wood | Josh Christensen |
Danny Baron | Kerri Towers |
Dorothy Leiman | Malcolm Murray |
Doug Smith | Ron Lemasurier |
Erin Fuller | Scot Reichert |
Jack Sell | Shane Sroka |
Jake Tolsma | Vicki Parks |
James Wheat |
UIC Pat O’Callaghan
U15A – Camrose
Danny Baron | Clark Webster |
Jesse Baron | Roland Desjardins |
Jordanne Schroh | Ryder Desjardins |
Vicki Parks | Sheri Morbeck |
UIC Doug Smith
U19B – Irma
Malcolm Murray | Scot Reichert |
Jake Tolsma |
U17C – Grande Prairie |
Jeffry Mydland
Intermediate Men
Chris Harper