Umpire Clothing & Equipment
As an umpire, you are expected to dress appropriately and have the proper safety equipment in order to help ensure your safety on the diamond.
As a new/young umpire, we want you to look like an umpire. While you are encouraged to wear official Softball Canada-crested umpire clothing, we understand that can be expensive for a new/young umpire. For first-year umpires, the CASUA includes a crested powder blue shirt as part of your registration fee.
Therefore, as a new umpire, here are the minimum standards expected (most of these items can be purchased at local department stores):
- Shirt – powder blue shirt
- ensure that the shirt is large to fit over the chest protector when working the plate.
- Pants – navy blue with belt loops
- ensure that the legs are wide enough to allow room to cover your shin pads, and to allow you to bend, when working the plate.
- Softball Canada sells combo pants that work for plate or bases.
- Hat – navy blue (one colour)
- all umpires are expected to wear a hat
- when working the plate, your hat needs to have a brim that is short enough to allow you to remove your mask over your hat.
- Belt – black
- Shoes – black, and in good condition
Official Softball Canada licensed crested clothing can be purchased online at Home Run Sports.
It is important for an umpire to have access to the required protective equipment. Some Minor Associations provide equipment for their umpires (please check with your association). Older umpires may have equipment they are looking to sell or give away. Equipment is available at most sporting goods stores.
In 2023, CASUA is pleased worked with Slash Sports to offer affordable umpire starter equipment packages. Contact Slash Sports directly at their Red Deer location to see what they are offering this year..
Need the proper sized mask, chest protector or shin pads, here is some helpful sizing information
Approximate costs for required equipment are:
- Mask – must have throat protection ($50)
- Chest Protector – worn under the shirt ($50)
- Jock/Jill Strap ($15)
- Shin Pads – worn under the pants ($50-$75)
- Ball Bag, Indicator, Whisk package ($25)
- Black Shoes – steel toed shoes are recommended when working the plate (varies)