Umpires Urgently Needed

CASUA is urgently seeking additional umpires for this season.

Due to a projected shortage, we might not be able to provide umpires for U11 and U13 division games in your community.

In some outlying areas, this shortage could affect older divisions as well.

It’s far more cost-effective to have local officials rather than covering travel expenses for out-of-town help, if it was available.

Ideal Candidates: Parents, grandparents, and older siblings make excellent umpires for the younger generation of ballplayers.

Benefits of Becoming an Umpire:

  • Insurance (learn why coverage is essential)
  • Membership with Softball Canada, Softball Alberta, and CASUA
  • Mentorship from experienced clinicians and evaluators
  • Opportunities to advance to Provincial, National, and International tournaments
  • In-person mechanics clinic
  • Rule book
  • Umpire shirt
  • Camaraderie with the family of officials.
  • And you get $45 a game for about two hours of your time.

Added Benefit for School Aged Umpires: Some school divisions offer academic credit for officiating – check with your local school.

Reach out if you have questions about the program or to sign up to attend a clinic.

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